The script reads a standard csv input file with the following fields -
Full Script:
__author__ = 'Mitch.Dawson'
from suds.client import Client
# Define Authentication Credentials for Cluster
username = 'myaxluser'
password = 'myaxlpass'
# Define AXL URL Parameters for Cluster
url = 'https://CUCM:8443/axl/'
# Define WSDL Locations
wsdl = "file:///C:/pathto/AXLAPI.wsdl"
# Open and read csv File
data = open('login.csv', 'r').read()
# Split data per line
splitData = data.split('\n')
# Build SUDS Client Connection
client = Client(location=url, url=wsdl, retxml=False, username=username, password=password)
# loop through and break out individual components
for line in splitData[1:]:
dn = line.split(',')[0]
pn = line.split(',')[1]
uid = line.split(',')[2]
print(dn, pn, uid)
# Call client service "doDeviceLogin" method and pass in the parameters
x = client.service.doDeviceLogin(deviceName=dn, loginDuration='0', profileName=pn, userId=uid)